Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolutions.....

Well, I have a SUPER busy there are tons of things I need to do. But my true goals are:

1) Drink 5 glasses of water each day (I know I should try to drink more, but I know I can accomplish at least 5).

2) Eat at home at least twice a week, for lunch, during each 5 day work week (for shorter weeks this is just wont happen).

3) Stay on top of all of this wedding planning stuff; while not letting it control my life.

4) Since I had lost 7 pounds last year (even though I wanted to lose 10), I want to lose 8 more this year, at least. The water will help. I will stay on track with having salads every day for lunch. Watching the drinking and weekend eating.

Hope you all have a happy and successful 2008!


The Youngs said...

I think that these sound great. You can do it! Plus-You can taser me when I fail to follow your lead. I will send you a long reaching taser gun to keep me going.

Britta said...

I'm right there with you girl. I told my trainer my work out goals were a brown bridesmaid dress and a black bridemaid dress. I don't even own a scale, so y'all's dresses are going to be my goals. Thanks for the incentive. I know that's why you two are getting married. : O )

Kerry Kern said...

You can do it!!! I am trying for 10 more lbs I just lost 10 yippeee, I never thought I would be saying that I needed to lose 20lbs welcome to my late 30's!!