Tuesday, June 12, 2007

15 random facts about me

Robin....this is hard, but I will try!

15. I don't like eggs, milk, mayonnaise, or chocolate.
14. I hate mushrooms...they completely gross me out!
13. Like Robin, I plan to travel and travel to plan.....months of planning for the trips.
12. I love to watch comedies and old movies. I watch AMC and TCM all the time.
11. I am scared of heights but I love to fly. Guess I feel like something is underneath me.
10. I have been a bridesmaid eight times.
9. I love to cook.....big meals like roast, homemade spaghetti, lasagna, Parmesan chicken.....I just wish I did it more.
8. I miss Colorado....we didn't go this year and I am really beating myself up about it.
7. I have seen Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, & Waylon Jennings in concerts (not the same one). I am very proud that I did this...just a once in a lifetime thing to do. I have also seen the Rolling Stones 5 times.
6. I am addicted to my palm......I cant help it. Now when I am with Eric I try not to touch it. It is kind of rude to take phone calls and read messages in others company. (You need to give them your attention).
5. One thing different than Robin...I love road trips...absolutely love to get in the car and see places I have never seen before.
4. I hate lying.......I have had two people lie to me this week and it infuriates me. Completely lacks class. I am not talking white lies either to save someones feelings.....true all-out lies!
3. I have been a nail biter all my life and I am finally starting to quit....have so for at least 6 months now. Every now and then I bite one of them....but overall, big improvement!
2. I have big feet - size 9.....they have really high arches too which sucks if you try to run or anything like that. (Sorry....feet are gross).
1. I used to be grossed out by bellybuttons until I got a navel ring......then it didn't bother me. Now I have a cute scar there.


Averi said...

I want to do this!!

The Youngs said...

It is harder than you would think.

Remind me to tell you what Marcus said about mushrooms. I won't gross the whole world out.

Stacy Chance said...

Great topic - Robin. I knew a lot of them but for those I didn't I will keep a mental note. Maybe Robin should join the Cyber Sisters.

Britta said...

Those were random. I knew you didn't like eggs. The whole not liking chocolate thing I still think is unnatural for a woman. You do have unusually large feet. I knew you had been a bridesmaid many times, but I didn't know 8!!! You should put on a bridesmaid dress fashion show - or we need to have a party where we wear them. 5 times is a lot to see the Stones. Wow, Jenn!

Jennifer Adling said...

Hmmmm a bridesmaid dress party....may be a good idea....I ahve something you guys can wear!!

Kendra said...

I knew all those!! Too funny...I am not a fan of belly buttons..yuck!

Kerry Kern said...

Cool,cool,cool, I learned alot today, size 9 is nothing compared to my family, very average,and I hate feet as well no matter the size eeeww

The Youngs said...

I think that you should have your bridesmaid party. I would come & win the ugliest dress contest.