Monday, October 29, 2007

Traci & Jason's Wedding

What a great wedding! We had the best weekend we have had in a long time! Miss the gang!

Stamps Engagement

Finally posted a picture from the Stamps party!

Thursday, October 25, 2007


We got the flower girl dress yesterday! She will be so cute!! (Green sash!)

This is my cute girl!!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Traci's Wedding

Yeah...less than a week until Traci's wedding.....

Fun on the Riverwalk in San


Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I will hopefully be attending Rooster Bowl festivities this weekend! Let's kick some butt Tech!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Dream Job

I would love to be a trainer for obese people. I think it would be awesome to take someone and comepletly change their life. I watch the Biggest Loser and I am so amazed that these people can lose that weight. It is not easy to do after years of bad habits. It is also awesome to see people completely become motivated after making a lifestyle change.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Update on Erics Grandmother

Mom called a little bit ago, and come to find out she did have a heart attack. They gave her an angioplasty this morning, adding two more stents where there was almost 100% blockage. She still wasn’t in her room as of 2:00.

More drama

I was trying to shake this cold or allergies or whatever this is, I took some NyQuil and went to bed early. Eric wakes me up at 10:30 and says he is going to the hospital. I was so out of it.....but it was his grandmother. I was really worried all night and didn't sleep much. He got home at 3 am. She will be OK. They thought it might have been another heart attack. They kept her last night...and think she will be OK. Poor Patricia had already been at the hospital all day with a friend whose husband had a heart attack and died....they she got home and had to turn around and go back to the hospital.