Thursday, May 22, 2008


I've been tagged by our cyber sister Kim, so here we go...

*Maybe I should...get to work....I have SO MUCH work to do and yet I am goofing off this morning....

*People would say that I...too forgiving? Is that correct?

*I don't understand why...there are so many idiots in the world (this may be a pessimistic post)....

*When I wake up in the morning...i rub the puppies for a while...Got to make sure I am the favorite parent...

*I lost my will power to...keep putting effort into some relationships...just cant do it any longer!

*Life is wonderful age....I really do think life gets better as we age...

*My past made me...smarter...I hope...I hope I came out of those expereinces learning something!

*I get annoyed when...I have to keep repeating myself...this is mainly a work thing, where people are not paying attention!

*Parties are not...meant to all be keggers...jsut kidding!!!

*Dogs are....some of my best friends...I would truly die if I lost one of my babies.

*Cats are...too much itchy noses for me...but I love them....

*Tomorrow I am going to...go to Outback I hope! And continue wedding planning!

*I have a low tolerance for...dishonest people.....abd these days kills my allergies.

*I'm totally terrified of...heights....even if I watch a movie where someone is walking on the legde, I start sweating. I am starting to now just thinking about it.

*I wonder why I thought my life would be...married with kids. I think I thought I would do this while I was young, but I dont regret it at all. I will be much wiser when the time comes.

*Never in my life... I would get married at 37....old maid!

*High school was something that....I loved...I really did!

*When I'm nervous...not as nervous these days...but I guess I get sweaty palms.

*Take my your girl friends. They will be there for you...

*Making my bed is...heck, I jsut pull the cover up so it looks neater, but there is no making the bed!

*I'm almost always...planning (ditto Kim)! I have already planned into November...ready to talk about Christmas party anyone?

*I'm addicted to...internet! And Taco Villa!

*I want someone...finish planning this wedding for me!


The Youngs said...

I didn't know Eric was German!!!

I got my heart set on Taco Villa and now I am dying. Somebody Fed Ex me some TV!!!!!

Kendra said...

I like where I'm at , at this age too... we all seem alot wiser & happier!!

Britta said...

There is a reoccuring theme in all our posts like this. . . the importance of honesty