Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I am going to have a better day today than I did yesterday. I can't handle days like that at work any more.

I am sharing this quote that a guy friend of mine (who has gone through some tough times and prevailed!) shared with me....

"Progress....not perfection" That is so perfect for me right now because I am wearing myself out in this job. I need to realize that my office does not have to be perfect and that we can be successful just making improvements....

Enough talking...need to get back to work!


Kendra said...

You are doing a great job up here!!

Kim said...

Aghhh Brant is such a sweetheart..hurry up and come visit so we can hook up with him!! He and I are just big talkers...Have a good one!!!

Through the Eyes of Kenda said...

I love it!! Progress...not perfection! I need to live by that motto as I get so overwhelmed sometimes with my unorganized life. I guess if I just take baby steps every day to get better and better, then that's all that matters. Thanks for sharing your frustrations. I knew we were all doing this blog thing for a reason!

Through the Eyes of Kenda said...
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Averi said...

Is your week any better? You know, sometimes Pat and I have to remind ourselves, "this is what I do, not who I am." Sometimes work can take over your life! Hope things are looking up!