Happy Birthday Phil! Hope you have a great one....we will see you at lunch!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Olf Family Pictures
OK...this is probably going to be embarrassing. Here are some old pictures...mom, this blog is for you!
One of our annual Christmas pictures....I am attacking Dusty.....Why, would I wear this??? There is the blue blunder behind us...for those who remember...
We don't look happy, but we always had fun on the family trips. My cousin Cody is in the shot with us....
This is what I normally looked like when I was young....messy!!
Love the terry cloth outfit.....I don't know if you can see the background...this was before Kingsgate was built. Just a field.
This was the big snow Lubbock got (the one they talked about when it was supposed to snow this year). I think 1983? Dusty and I built a great snow fort under the tree....
An Easter picture of Dusty & I....
My 18th birthday...with my dad and grand-dad....we all had birthdays within a week of each other!
Again with the outfit....
I know mom likes this one......
I thought this one of Dusty was cute under our Willow tree.....he was chubby! He is probably only 3 in this picture.
An Easter family shot....check out Phil's hair. Sandy looks pretty!
Posted by Jennifer Adling at 2:56 PM 2 comments
ALS Fundraiser
When went to the fundraiser for ALS/Muscular Dystrophy last night. They honored Gary so it was sad, but we had a good time. They raised a lot of money so was all worthwhile!
Good to see Patricia having a good time!
Posted by Jennifer Adling at 6:52 AM 3 comments
Friday, February 23, 2007
Top 5 favorite movies...plus some
Probably the funniest movie ever (maybe Trading Places comes in close)......50% of all of our quotes come from this....
I love Saving Private Ryan.....such a good movie. The old man at the end going through all the memories and saluting the man that saved his life....
Breakfast at Tiffany's....well, everything except Mickey Rooney playing the landlord...
Magnolia...has the best cast ever...Julianne Moore, William H Macy, Tom Cruise (he actually rocks in this movie), Phillip Seymour Hoffman, John C. Reily....plus the soundtrack is soooo good!
So much I love about this one...the time span....Texas Tech is even part of it!! I love Elizabeth Taylor...and Rock Hudson!!
Other honorable mentions....
Tombstone (absolutely my favorite western!)
Empire Strikes Back....I cant help it...it was so much fun to see as a kid in the theater!
To Kill A Mockingbird
Trading Places
Posted by Jennifer Adling at 3:10 PM 5 comments
Monday, February 19, 2007
My Girls.....
OK...I didn't ahve pictures of all of my girls in my favorite pictures....so this should make up for that....
Kim & Leighanne on the girls trip last year.
Kerry & Courtney on the girls trip last year....
Averi, Stacy, Courtney, Kim & Britta on girls trip in 04.
Averi & Jenn at Krackenut.....
Kim, Jenn & Courtney in Santa Fe.....
Tracy with us in Santa Fe (Summer 05)
Jenn, Averi, Stacy, Britta with Kim at her wedding.
Robin with Jennings in Canada. I talk to Robin daily and she helps me keep my sanity!
With Ms. Leah...we ahve been friends for so long! Congrats on your new marriage!
Averi, Stacy, Kendra & Kenda at the Christmas party last year.....
Posted by Jennifer Adling at 10:17 AM 7 comments
Sunday, February 18, 2007
More favorite pics - flashback!!!
In 92, Kim and I went to a Halloween party with Brant (Kristi's cousin). I had on yet another 70's costume. We made Kims up at the last minute...she was a christmas tree...and had to sit next to an outlet all night so she could be plugged in......
After Kurt had got in "the fight"...won't go into details...but we begged him to still go on a road trip with us...he was a trooper (same trip as the picture with Adam).
This one is in 93....we went down to Austin for Halloween (Wes flew in from College Station). I had bought Wes & I the matching 70's prom queen and king outfit from the disabled veterans store.....we had so much fun that night on 6th street. Wes set the alarm off at Jazz three times. At the piano bar, the singer called him meatloaf. Wes' jacket is suede if you can't tell...
Here is one from the Depot Beer Garden. Maybe 89 or 90...so yeah, we were all underage. Life was so much fun back then!! No worries, no burdens....
This is Adam & I on 6th Street in Austin (Jazz). Probably in 93 because I think we stayed at Erics apartment. I guess Adam had a fake ID....
Averi...Eric & I think the guy in the background is the "Can I ask you a question?" guy......for the rest of you, his question was "Platoon!, fake" which of course is not a question. This was a TTU football weekend trip to Austin with Kyle, Bryan (came up from Laredo), Eric, Me, & Averi. Very fun trip!
Posted by Jennifer Adling at 3:38 PM 4 comments
Friday, February 16, 2007
More top 5's....
OK...I told you I have more favorites....here are more...and there will still be more this weekend since I am sick and home bound for the weekend!
This probably should have been on my top 5.....Robin knows the story. This is before Eric & I started dating. Probably a few months but the summer of 93 was the turning point. A guy selling roses in West End in Dallas said he would give me a rose if we kissed...or something like that. I said, OK, but I have my hand over his mouth......If I had not been so naive!! Luckily, I flew down to Austina few more times that summer to see him and we went from friends to maybe more.....then September cam and it was official!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE going to Austin for the UT game! We always go to Schultz's beer garden. We get all of our Austin friends to meet us there and the Mosser's usually do too. Very small red and black section but we are usually pretty vocal!
Once year Kim got me to go to Vegas at the last moment. My first time to go with just girls. The first night Kim and I went out by ourselves....got crazy. This picture is at the Bellagio conservatory. Kim really didn't feel good...and I told her the smell in the conservatory would make her feel better. We ended up eating lunch at La Salsa (inside Cesar's Palace)....shot of tequila, cracked up at the "little champ" robe, went to Banana and spent to much $$, then to the Palms to meet up with Fancy and all by the pool. It was a great trip!
I have so many with Britta and I and ex-Cowboys, but Jay rocked!! The weather was kind of bad this year so we were inside, but we didn't care...Britta, we can't miss this again! (like we did this year!)
Another picture I have so many variations of.....but when we go to Santa Fe for the summer, we always take the dogs to the plaza....mingle with other dogs...Logan is such a baby, she gets nervous and gets on the bench with us....It is very peaceful though....and strange with a different local culture than Lubbock (not a bad thing)
Posted by Jennifer Adling at 2:15 PM 7 comments
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Top 5 pictures
OK...this was completely hard...because I have so many pictures. I didn't even look through my picture albums because I have so many!! But I kind of knew coming in to this which ones had the best stories behind them. I will probably do runner-up postings all weekend! Here we go!!!
OK...this was a last minute decision, but I included it because of the Mallet! It become sort of folklore with us! We went to Joe's crab shack for Michelle's birthday.....ended up drinking MANY of the half-yards of beer. Then we decided to have a contest to see if we could fit our heads into the hole in teh table (where teh crab shell bucket normally goes). I think Pat, maybe Kurt could not fit their heads through there. We ended up taking several mallets too and those were used at several parties!!
This is at the spa in Santa Fe! Actually my favorite picture from there is from the first girls trip (with me, Britta, Stacy, Kim, and Averi - but I thought someone else might use that one). This trip Kim & Courtney flew in to Albuquerque. We picked them up and had a great weekend in Santa Fe. All four of us went to the spa (Eric too...). I think that was my first time to go there. We reserved the tub for an hour but had so much fun we ended up asking them for an additional hour...ahhhhh!
Not the best picture of us....but one year after camping and hiking in Colorado and NM we spent the last few days of the week in Taos. There was an outdoor music festival and Robert Earl Keen was playing. We went to that all day. Then went back to hotel to check on the dogs and then went to the Stakeout outside of town. I have been going to this restaurant for several years (went there on my 13th birthday). The sun was setting and Eric and I dined on the patio....PERFECT! We had a bottle of our favorite wine too!!
Here is the website!! http://www.stakeoutrestaurant.com/
This is probably my number 1 of all time. Was probably my favorite trip to Vegas....this was on the last day of the trip. It is in the Atrium of the Mirage. We asked this guy to take our picture and he stopped traffic to take it. That is what is cracking me up!
P.S. We were all so skinny!! I think this is 97?!?
Posted by Jennifer Adling at 2:59 PM 5 comments